Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer Movies - Which Ones Don't Suck!

It's that time of year again. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the movie studios are counting on you spending big bucks to go sit in an air-conditioned movie theater. This is when they hit you with all their big budget, heavy on the special effects, soon-to-have-sequels hopefuls and already-are-sequels money makers. As always, I'm here to see all the movies you don't feel like seeing, so you can pretend to all your friends that you're an all-knowing cinema god.  (But remember, with the power to turn stale popcorn to fresh and make that gum disappear from your cup-holder, comes great responsibility). To start off on a good note, I'll be telling you about a winner this summer: Fast and Furious 6.

I just want to give you fair warning that I probably like this franchise a little too much. I know it's had its ups and down (although I refuse to acknowledge that Toyko Drift was a down). But, since last summer's Fast 5, I've had more love than ever for this car smashing delight of a series. 

Let's just start off with the fact that this series now has its own mythology. Like Lost or Star Wars - it has become so apparently intricate and confusing, that people spend time trying to figure out how it all fits together (hint: Toyko Drift is after EVERYTHING). But, at the same time, it pretty much doesn't matter if you know any of the background; you will still have loads of fun seeing this one. (If you are interested in the tangled web that is the F&F series, check this article and the short film directed by Vin Diesel that explains a bit). 

True, it still probably fits in the "it's so bad it's good" category, but I would say it is tiptoeing towards actually legitimately being good. These films, much like their main character, have a code. There must be cars, there must be cars racing, there must be cars blowing up, and family always comes first. And it is this unbreakable law that makes them so easy to enjoy. You get good laughs, you hold your breath during the action sequences, and despite yourself, you become fond of the characters and begin to care about their relationships (especially if you watch the other movies, or at least Fast 5). The confusingly attractive and yet shiny Vin Diesel still holds a dear place in my heart, so he's a plus for me (but he's also a social media god if you believe this article). But there are plenty of other both guy and girl candy if Vin is not for you. It's hard to delve in too deep for a review of this film because there aren't really plot twists or acting to critique. So, basically, just go see it if you like fun movies. 

SPOILER (sort of): The end scene will raise all your hopes and then crush them like a lovable character from A Bug's Life. But only if you've seen Toyko Drift. Yes, I know I know too much about this.

Also, if you actually thought I was serious about posting all those Oscars movie reviews, you have far too much confidence in my abilities. Sure, I'll just write an 8 part series when I'm working on my thesis, sure. HA HA

Soon to come: After Earth, Now You See Me, and Place Beyond the Pines!

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