Monday, June 24, 2013

Man of Steel, Man Oh Man

This movie had a lot going for. Henry Cavill's hot bod, flying, a third thing, Henry Cavill's hot bod... But, sadly, even all those stellar ingredients couldn't add up to a winner. Unless you're counting all women who got to look at Henry Cavill's hot bod. Some winners there.

To start out on a more positive note, I did like the beginning of this movie (not the actual beginning because that was a birth scene and was just gross). The story on Krypton was kind of interesting, and I was excited to deal with some complex democratic and interstellar issues. I'd always just thought that Superman's parents had pretty much shot him into space and then Krypton went boom, but the movie gave a little more back story. Also at the beginning, you see Clark Kent (that's Superman for all you nubes) being a general do-gooder. He's saving people left and right. Seems like the right thing to do considering he can't die. Unfortunately, from there, it seems that the screenwriters were fired and any semblance of logic or a story went out the window.

Here are some examples:

  • At an extremely convenient and totally random moment, Clark find a Kryptonian ship that just happens to have a halogram version of his dad who can explain EVERYTHING to him. Just lays it out. All the info he might need. So, how nice for him.  
  • Amy Adams. Oh Amy Adams. She is randomly brought into all sorts of situations she absolutely does not need to be a part of. Mostly involving evil aliens and advanced weaponry. She and Superman also appear to fall in love in approximately 2 minutes. You don't even know it's happened, and then they're kissing in a pit of mass destruction and death. Yeah, thousands of people are dead around them, and then bang, time for smooching. RUDE guys. 
  • It's still pretty unclear what the evil Kryptonians wanted, and why they couldn't get along with Superman. Seems they both would like to restart the Kryptonian race, and that could probably work out if they used another planet. This is probably why all the fight scenes seemed so random. You'd be watching Superman get punched through a building and be like, "Wait, why are they mad? How did this escalate so much?"
There's tons more to mock and get confused by, and I found a HILARIOUS article that breaks down the whole movie and how weird it is. It has a lot of spoilers, but here's the delightful scene where Superman's Dad fills him in:

Jor-El: Hey! I shot you into space when you were a baby!
Clark: Dad?
Jor-El: That’s me! Okay, let me give you the lowdown. Your name is Kal-El, you’re a Kryptonian, our planet Krypton blew up, and all the Kryptonians are dead except you and our most dangerous criminal, Zod.
Clark: That’s unfortunate.
Jor-El: Also I kind of hid all of Krypton’s genetic code inside you so that you are the key to restarting the Kryptonian race and Zod’s kinda going to be looking for that.
Clark: Um, do you want me to restart the Kryptonian race?
Jor-El: I'm honestly not sure.
Clark: Then why did you stick the Codex in me?
Jor-El: In retrospect, it may have been a poor idea. On the other hand, if you do decide to start the Kryptonian race, this scout ship has a bunch of empty babies in our underwater tree pod room. All you have to do is stick the DNA right in them. There's a little hole. It's unfortunately placed, though.
Anyway, if you're basically just looking for random action sequences, this'll do the trick. Or if you're looking for something to mock mercilessly while fanboys sitting near you *shush* you, I'd recommend it as well. Otherwise... cross your fingers that Thor 2 sucks less.

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