Thursday, June 13, 2013

Salinger Documentary Trailer

I've always loved Nine Stories and Franny and Zooey more than Catcher in the Rye (Oh no, have I shocked you?) It may be that I'm a big, pretentious jerk or it may be that I read Catcher in high school and never reread it (You read Nine Stories and I'll reread Catcher and neither of us will ever check up on the other, so it'll never happen. Deal.) Anyway, even if you're not someone who's normally into documentaries, you're probably someone who's read some Salinger (So this movie is not too indie or obscure to post about. I checked with my roommate, and she said it's not too indie. So IT'S NOT.) Anyone else feel like this post is a little aggressive. WELL IT'S NOT. 

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