Thursday, June 27, 2013

Monsters University is significantly better than a lot of other movies out there

(This paragraph is random, skip down if you don't care about my musings.)

First off, I've got to give a little credit to the audience I found myself in. I went to see Monsters University at 7pm on a Tuesday night at a more independent theater that sometimes plays mainstream stuff. I'm not saying this to make some point that I only go to independent theaters because I'm a huge hipster ass-clown; I'm mentioning it to make the point that there were basically no children in the audience at this children's movie. But, this had to be the giddiest group of New Yorker adults ever assembled. They laughed at the trailers; someone even laughed at the Pixar intro where the light jumps on the P in Pixar. Basically, go see kid movies at 7pm on weeknights because you will have way more fun.

Anywho, onto the actual movie. There were some major positives to this movie that I have not seen in other movies recently. 

1) They actually bother to give you background on the characters AND make you like the characters. It seems simple, but it adds SO MUCH. Especially with the kind of secondary characters - I mean these monsters were hilarious. Loved them. LOVED THEM. A lot of movies now lack this essential step. I find myself simply not caring what happens to characters because the writers forget to make me like them. (*cough cough* Man of Steel)

2) Well-freakin-plotted. There's an arc. An actual arc! It doesn't feel like random things keep happening for no reason. There is a clear and logical course of events. HOORAY!

3) Meaningful stuff here. At one point Mike (the green, one-eyed guy) is having an identity crisis because he's figuring out that maybe he can't be scary. He says how he's done everything right, studied hard, tried more than everyone else, but it hasn't been enough. I don't know if this is a little too pointed at the Millenial generation or if it's genius. Basically they're saying, just getting good grades and going to the right school doesn't make you extraordinary. Kind of depressing, but seemingly very relevant. Also, if you see it, notice how the plot continues in the credits. There's DEFINITELY a message to Millenials there. 

Also, it's just funny. I mean, in a delightful kind of childish way, but still, very funny. Make sure to pay attention when Mike is walking around the campus for the first time for my favorite moment. Hint: Think hacky sack.

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