Monday, June 17, 2013

The Bling Ring

Man does Sofia Coppola (director of The Bling Ring) know how to cut a trailer. There's hip and upbeat songs, celebrities, Emma Watson talking in an American accent, night club dancing, and lots of glittery fashion. But, you get about the same enjoyment just from watching the trailer as you do from watching the whole movie.

Honestly, that pretty much covers it. Bored kids in California decide to rob celebrities' homes while they're out of town, and *SPOILER* they get caught. That's not really a spoiler though as this was a real news story, and there's even been a reality show starring one of the real The Bling Ring's members (Emma Watson's character, of course). The characters are mostly (unsurprisingly) shallow, so there's not much to sink your teeth into here. The main idea (it's even said in the trailer) is that this is a film about America's obsession with a celebrity lifestyle and how far people will go to emulate that lifestyle. Which is great all, but do you really think the teenagers (who ARE being marketed to) going to see this movie because of the super fun trailer and going to give a Chihuahua's rear-end about that? Nope. So... what was the point? But, hey, I saw it, so no shame if you feel like going to see Emma's latest movie and pretending to live the lifestyle along with these characters for a couple hours. Don't worry, I won't tell. If anyone asks, you saw it because of the severe and frightening implications about our youth and our society. 

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