Saturday, June 15, 2013

This is the End, and it's pretty good

I posted the trailer for This is the End awhile ago, and it got a big response. Probably because you feel like you get to spy on the lives of these semi-famous to medium-famous comedians, and it is exactly how you thought it would be. Oh, and because it's raunchy and hilarious. 

Well, I'm happy to report that the movie is just as funny as the trailer (another way of saying, if you don't like the trailer, don't see the movie). All of these actors do a great job of being the exact people we expect them to be. Who knows if James Franco is actually a fairly gay-leaning, pretentious, insane person? But, that's who we all assume he is, and it's nice to have those assumptions somewhat confirmed in this movie. (Except for Jonah Hill. He's super nice in this movie, and that CANNOT be right. Pretty sure I'm positive about that one.) So, you're getting to pretend that you're taking a peek into these guys' lives, which makes you feel super cool, AND it's just a funny movie in general. Double win I would say. While not all of the bits work, a lot of them do. It feels fresh and different because of how self-mocking (perhaps I'll self-mock myself later for using a word like self-mocking) it is, but the extreme plot is also enough to keep it moving along. Not to mention there are some GREAT cameos by other actors you'd like to stalk. And, the end IS AWESOME. It seems appropriate that a movie titled This is the End has an awesome ending. 

Not a whole lot more to talk about since it's kind of like a two hour SNL skit (in a good way, like when SNL was good). I could talk about how Jay Baruchel should be in more movies, like every movie, and how he's one of my top three favorite actors (the others being Aaron Johnson and Oscar Isaac), but that would just be a crude way to make this review a little longer. I wouldn't do something like that. 

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