Thursday, January 14, 2010

What’s this? A TV show? Insanity! Yet so intriguing…

Cold-hearted? Selfish? Brutally honest? Druggy? Yes, indeed, all of these words describe America’s new sweetheart, Mr. Gregory House. I too must admit to an addiction. I’ve spent many a day watching episode after episode in their delightful non-order. It’s possible that this is one of the show’s charms; you usually don’t really need to know what’s happening in the plot to watch. Occasionally, this is untrue as I am still unsure when Chase, Cameron, and Foreman were switched out for Thirteen, Taub, and Kutner and then switched back in, sort of. But, really, where does the addiction stem from? What is so appealing about watching a genius/jerk act like a genius/jerk? There are no surprises in that. Almost no one actually understands what the doctors are talking about, except when things go right or wrong, so that can’t be the answer. If people are finding themselves relating to House, that is both far too complimentary and extremely self-degrading. Do we enjoy watching the solving of a puzzle, possible, but as the show almost always has a happy cure ending that also seems unlikely. Do we watch for that rare episode where things do go terribly wrong and House falls apart? Maybe. But then we’re cruel little demons who like to watch failure and emotional haddicapedness. Perhaps we’re all just waiting for Hugh Laurie to screw up and talk in his British accent. Most likely of all, however, I think people like to watch the show because House can figure people out. Most of us spend our lives trying to understand those around us; House can know everything about a person in mere seconds. Although, his assumptions and fear of actually creating lasting relationships isn’t necessarily something to aspire to, people yearn to know how everyone works. Or maybe that’s completely wrong and you are a medical genius who finds these rare cases fascinating or you hate when people analyze other people. If so, you are either very boring or possibly very intriguing. Yes, that second part almost sounded like a compliment, but really I just can’t comprehend someone not wanting to know more about how the people around them act, so don’t go puffing your feathers up. P.S. Although this writer is a big fan of the show, she does not condone drug use, partly, because that woman who showed up when House was hallucinating was sooooooo annoying.

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