Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crazy Heart

Latest viewing, Crazy Heart. I would say that I’m biased because I myself am a songwriter, (indeed commence the mocking of my cliché NYU self, but I was a songwriter before I started attending NYU so a small ha to you) but as I am completely clueless when it comes to country music, I think they cancel out. So, assuming I’m unbiased, the music in this movie is still incredible, as is the fact that Jeff Bridges and Colin Farrell do all their own singing. What? Colin Farrell you say? Yes, he is in fact in this movie. It wasn’t highly publicized, with only a quick shot of him in the trailer, but his role is brilliantly done. I believe that the way the story is not meant to be about his character is also the same reason why they decided to make the advertising not about his famous self. But back to the fantastic music, did I mention that I loved it? The Weary Kind is a perfect song. No further comment.

Jeff Bridges also does an excellent job creating a character that you are aware is mostly a scumball, but that you still can recognize the humanity in. You’re watching a fallen hero try and find out what life is like without the cape. Yes, this movie is just a smidgen heartbreakingly depressing, just a warning. Maggie Gyllenhall is charming, but I’m not entirely sure I believe the initial attraction she has to Bridges’ character. He’s old, drunk, and a chain-smoker – va va voom? The relationship is interesting to watch though, as you’re not really sure if you want it to work out in the end. The boy who plays her son is adorable, pretty much awesome, and no doubt, a star on the rise, plus he’s adorable.

I was lucky enough to have the director of the film at my screening, who, aside from being very young and green, is apparently very talented. Some may say that this particularly gifted cast didn’t really need directing, but he was charming, so I’m giving him credit. Among other things, he called Robert Duvall “Bobby” and didn’t punch that audience member who decided to tell him what his movie is about (I would not have had the restraint). When I searched for Scott Cooper’s previous films, I found a very confusing list including an Austin Powers movie. This is because Crazy Heart is the first film he has directed, but he has been acting for some time. There is already a lot of Oscar buzz for this movie and this director, and I gotta say, that’s just cool. Seriously, who wins an Oscar for the first film they ever directed? Ya, ya, I’m sure some of you will go look up who actually did, but I still think it’s cool.

Overall, you should see it, especially if you’re a music lover. If you’re not a music lover, you should not only not see it, you should go check to make sure your soul is intact. Or just go see it, whatever.

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