Tuesday, July 2, 2013

World War Z

Making this review short and sweet because I have little to no experience watching zombie movies. It's pretty much Zombieland, and I'm out. I can't tell you if these zombies are slimier or more decayed or if their eyes bulge more, but what I can tell you is that one of them makes a hilarious clicking sound and the whole audience laughed. This happened to be during the scene where Brad Pitt's life is potentially about to end and with it the last hope for the world. But, there we all were, laughing because of this clicking zombie. Intentional? Probably not. Added to the overall experience? Definitely yes. I think if you keep an audience tense for 2 hours, it's nice to give them a little break.

Other than Sir Clicks-a-lot, this is a pretty exciting action film. Brad never stops moving, which keeps it interesting. He visits multiple countries in search of a cure, and apparently is the only person who has the ability to make an observation. This skill allows him to come up with a brilliant idea that can save the world. It seems incredible that Brad doesn't get bitten, but he does have some pretty fantastic survival skills. He wraps magazines around his wrists (so zombies can't bite them of course), he almost throws himself of a building when he thinks he might turn into a zombie, he blows up a plane - really, this guy must be like an eagle scout with mad skills like these. Ultimately, it's a travel show starring Brad Pitt as a charming do-gooder, family man with a lot of zombies thrown in. And, I'm okay with that. 

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