Monday, July 8, 2013


Looking for a summer movie that isn't a sequel/superhero action stupidness/BAD? Then The Way, Way Back has got a cure for what ails you. I've been PUMPED to see this movie for months, and now I can officially say that it is Tony the Tiger "Grrrrreeaaaatttttt!" See trailer here for some context to my enthusiasm:

Still not convinced? Then you have no soul! Just kidddingggggg. Sort of *cough* not really *cough*

From the same guys who recently won an Academy Award for best adapted screenplay for The Descendants, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash, comes something nothing like The Descendants (which is good for me because I didn't really like that movie). This movie is all those great, cringey, coming-of-agey things it should be. It's still a light and fun summer flick about a kid who gets a job at a water park, but with heart and definitely a large dose of Sam Rockwell humor. By the way, if you don't know who Sam Rockwell is, IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU LEARNED, and this is a great movie to catch him in. He plays the young Duncan's fast-talking mentor/water park boss. The cast overall is great, and it's both horrifying and awesome to see Steve Carell play the villain for once.

If still none of that convinces you, I have solid math to prove my opinion (because that's how opinions work).

The Way, Way Back was made for under $5 million dollars. Man of Steel was made for $225 million. So, really The Way, Way Back only needs to be 2.2% as good as Man of Steel. And it is approximately 525,457,143.8849% better than Man of Steel THEREFORE... MATH SAYS YOU SHOULD GO.

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