I’m gonna start this review off with a little quote from Gilmore Girls which is, as some of you know, one of my favorite shows.
RORY: Okay. Do you remember when you begged me to go see The Fast and the Furious with you, and I said no? And then, you begged me to go see The Fast and the Furious II with you, and I said no? And then, The Fast and the Furious III: Tokyo Drift came out… And I was, like, “I said no to one, and I said no to two. What do you think happened here? I got a brain transplant or something? … Well, I was wrong, because I have finally understood the awesomeness of cars crashing into things.
Fast Five is that movie that makes you understand the awesomeness of cars crashing into things. I realize the franchise has had its ups and downs, Fast and Furious (the fourth installment) being one of the downs. But, I firmly believe the series has now been revitalized. I enjoyed every second of this movie. I mean it has everything: fast cars, a heist, an amazing foreign location, hot guys, hot girls, frickin’ awesome disses, and even some really nice character development and semi-emotional moments. Hell, it even had a plot, a great plot! What more could you want? Vin Diesel and Paul Walker are back and better than ever. Personally, I’m a Vin fan, but ain’t nothing wrong with watching Paul Walker for 90 minutes. I also loved the whole reunion/allstars component. I felt like I was getting to know the characters from the pervious movies again, and it made me excited to see them develop further.
I cannot recommend this movie highly enough. The only thing my friend and I could utter the whole way home was, “Sooooo goooooood.” I saw it in IMAX, which I’d totally recommend as well if you don’t mind spending the couple extra bucks.
Oh, AND, stay for the credits. YOU WON’T REGRET IT.