Friday, April 29, 2011

Fast Five

I’m gonna start this review off with a little quote from Gilmore Girls which is, as some of you know, one of my favorite shows.

RORY: Okay. Do you remember when you begged me to go see The Fast and the Furious with you, and I said no? And then, you begged me to go see The Fast and the Furious II with you, and I said no? And then, The Fast and the Furious III: Tokyo Drift came out… And I was, like, “I said no to one, and I said no to two. What do you think happened here? I got a brain transplant or something? … Well, I was wrong, because I have finally understood the awesomeness of cars crashing into things.

Fast Five is that movie that makes you understand the awesomeness of cars crashing into things. I realize the franchise has had its ups and downs, Fast and Furious (the fourth installment) being one of the downs. But, I firmly believe the series has now been revitalized. I enjoyed every second of this movie. I mean it has everything: fast cars, a heist, an amazing foreign location, hot guys, hot girls, frickin’ awesome disses, and even some really nice character development and semi-emotional moments. Hell, it even had a plot, a great plot! What more could you want? Vin Diesel and Paul Walker are back and better than ever. Personally, I’m a Vin fan, but ain’t nothing wrong with watching Paul Walker for 90 minutes. I also loved the whole reunion/allstars component. I felt like I was getting to know the characters from the pervious movies again, and it made me excited to see them develop further.

I cannot recommend this movie highly enough. The only thing my friend and I could utter the whole way home was, “Sooooo goooooood.” I saw it in IMAX, which I’d totally recommend as well if you don’t mind spending the couple extra bucks.

Oh, AND, stay for the credits. YOU WON’T REGRET IT.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


For those of you who have a low tolerance for teenage corniness, stay away. But, for those of you who love it, whether you chose to admit that to people or not, it may just be your cup of tea.

I went to this movie with fairly low expectations. From the title I wasn’t planning on this movie having a plot, or any redeeming qualities. However, I found that it had a sort of delightful Love Actually-esque structure. It was divided into five different students’ drama-filled and oh-so-adorable stories about the trials of prom. There was the classic prom king and queen couple, who, from the start, are obviously not what they appear to be. There’s the sweet, if a little dorky, sophomore trying to catch a certain girl’s eye. The couple that’s been together forever, but that’s experiencing growing pains. The awkward guy who desperately wants a date and will ask anyone in anyway possible. And finally, the main plotline, the class president, prom-obsessed girl and her new project, the bad boy. To my surprise, I found things to love in each story. I was excited when I got to see the plots develop and intersect. There was even some snappy dialogue to make it a higher grade and less cliché teen movie.

Oh, and if you're the kind of person who will see a movie just because Channing Tatum is in it, this movie has some great eye candy. The bad boy with a heart of gold is played by Thomas McDonell, and man, he does not look like he's in high school, so it's not creepy. This guy has got real heartthrob potential.

So, if you're looking for a fun and silly girls night out kind of movie, I'd check it out.

Stay tuned for a Fast Five review!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


guess who lied about starting to write again... ya. Anyway, I feel like I should start posting again so here are some more movies I've seen:

Hanna - SEE IT! So good
Ceremony - AMAZING! It's not playing many places, but FIND IT!
Soul Surfer - Inspirational, but too religious. And Carrie Underwood sets a new bar for bad performances
Limitless - Entertaining
Lincoln Lawyer - somewhat confusing, but good
Source Code - pretty good...
Sucker Punch - you've got to know what to expect. skimpy outfits and fantasy - but I still left feeling empowered
Red Riding Hood - meh

Give me a shout if you want to see a full review of any of them

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Guess Who's Back

I'm back in New York and I'm seeing a ton of movies!

The movies I've seen so far this semester are:
No Strings Attached
Win Win
The Adjustment Bureau
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never
Black Death
I Am Number Four
Take Me Home Tonight
Cedar Rapids

I'm also bringing on a new writer Kbmy515 - who happens to know even more about movies than me. I know, hard to believe. So LET'S DO THIS!