Monday, September 3, 2012


While this could be mistaken for a Bridesmaids copycat, Bachelorette has it's own unique vibe, cast, and hilarity that make it a deeper and more interesting comedy.

Don't get me wrong, this film has all the raunch, sex, and drugs one would expect from the title. But, because of the incredible actors and intriguing script, it's able to be both witty and snort-milk-through-your-nose funny. The trio of Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fischer, and Lizzy Caplan has a perfect mix of personalities, all somewhat falling under a stereotype, but still believable and therefore enjoyable. While all of them are at least partly psychotic, you find yourself siding with these woman as often as you are shocked by them, a balance that makes for an entertaining friendship to view. The new It-Girl Rebel Wilson also shines as the bride-to-be, and her relationship with each of the girls, especially Dunst, is interesting and much more complex than her usual comic-relief role. The men in the film seem more like throw-aways (with the exception of the fabulous Adam Scott), but perhaps that's how it should be. The focus is meant to be on these women and how they relate to each other after years of ups and downs.

While the plot is not earth-shattering (the girls are bridesmaids throwing Wilson a bachelorette party) and there are a good deal of silly antics (everything from strippers to wedding dress snafus), the characters involved make the crazy events fun and seemingly fresh. A personal favorite story line was the Lizzy Caplan/Andrew Scott hate/love fest because I am a huge Party Down fan (and you should be too, so go watch it on Netflix!)

It's currently on iTunes to rent, which is what I did. And if you watch it with a friend you feel like you're saving lots of money because of how much you'd be spending at the movie theater. BEATING THE SYSTEM - WOO HOO! But, it will also be opening in select theaters this weekend, so check it out!

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