Thursday, April 28, 2011


For those of you who have a low tolerance for teenage corniness, stay away. But, for those of you who love it, whether you chose to admit that to people or not, it may just be your cup of tea.

I went to this movie with fairly low expectations. From the title I wasn’t planning on this movie having a plot, or any redeeming qualities. However, I found that it had a sort of delightful Love Actually-esque structure. It was divided into five different students’ drama-filled and oh-so-adorable stories about the trials of prom. There was the classic prom king and queen couple, who, from the start, are obviously not what they appear to be. There’s the sweet, if a little dorky, sophomore trying to catch a certain girl’s eye. The couple that’s been together forever, but that’s experiencing growing pains. The awkward guy who desperately wants a date and will ask anyone in anyway possible. And finally, the main plotline, the class president, prom-obsessed girl and her new project, the bad boy. To my surprise, I found things to love in each story. I was excited when I got to see the plots develop and intersect. There was even some snappy dialogue to make it a higher grade and less cliché teen movie.

Oh, and if you're the kind of person who will see a movie just because Channing Tatum is in it, this movie has some great eye candy. The bad boy with a heart of gold is played by Thomas McDonell, and man, he does not look like he's in high school, so it's not creepy. This guy has got real heartthrob potential.

So, if you're looking for a fun and silly girls night out kind of movie, I'd check it out.

Stay tuned for a Fast Five review!

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